Overview of what we cast upon screens, walls, audience and musicians.
Sphinx lightshowing in Paradiso.
On stage: Ummagumma.
Sphinx Classics creates light shows the way they were in the 1960s and 1970s. Images that most appeal to the imagination are the psychedelic liquid slides, boiling in the projectors from those days.
Sphinx Classics intends to keep old school light shows alive. That's why we have produced a number of tutorials on video in which we reveal our (no longer) secret recipes. We gladly give all sorts of cooking lessons.
When our old school analog light show switches off the projectors, please do not let it be the end...​
Local beamers being part of the venue's inventory, can contribute wonderfully to the show. As Sphinx Classics has also produced a small series of short, abstract and amorph videos; they're waiting for the screen.
​​Sphinx Classics works with producers, musicians, venues, events, movies, galleries, museums, artists and you.
Sphinx Classics
the Netherlands
The Vices, Popronde Nederland,
Grafisch Atelier Hilversum.
Old School slide projectors in action.